"Day 2" - Dr. Garry Nolan

Written on 09/17/2024
Dr. Garry Nolan speculates about when we encounter ETs

In this video, Dr. Garry Nolan discusses the potential aftermath known as "Day 2"—the day following the official disclosure of extraterrestrial life and our interactions with it. He explores the common belief that such an announcement could trigger widespread panic or chaos. Tune in to hear Dr. Nolan's perspective on what might actually unfold. It might surprise you!

Dr. Garry Nolan, a Stanford University professor, specializes in microbiology and immunology and is a pioneering figure in UAP research. His innovations, including the development of CyTOF technology, have propelled scientific understanding of cellular biology and materials associated with UAPs. His personal experiences and professional engagements back Nolan's keen interest in extraterrestrial phenomena in analyzing potential extraterrestrial materials and studying neurological impacts on individuals with reported UAP encounters.