A New Year’s Reflection - From Roger Morimoto

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results!” - Albert Einstein

We have all heard this quote (but we may not have known it was from Einstein.) Besides being a brilliant physicist, Einstein also offers simple but eloquent insight.  This is the New Year when we make new resolutions to transform our lives in beautiful ways.  Yet, how often have we made these “New Year’s Resolutions” only to watch them fade away, yielding the same results?

Perhaps part of the problem is that we often try “new things” that are not new. We have not explored new frontiers because for it to be “new,” it has to be something that we have not yet imagined.  

This New Year’s, rather than beginning with a spirit of “resolution,” come with an energy of exploration!  Let us put behind us what we think we already know and move into the realms of the unknown. Let us seek “different, unknown results.”

Yes, this requires a degree of courage, but in the words of Aristotle, “You will never do anything without courage. It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor.”

Thus, join us in this realm of exploration as we find new frontiers of spirituality!