A CE5 Contact event, also known as “Close Encounter of the Fifth Kind”, is a type of human-initiated contact with extraterrestrial intelligence. The concept was popularized by Dr. Steven Greer, who founded the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI). Here are the key elements of a CE5 Contact event:

  1. Human Initiation:

    • Unlike other types of UFO encounters, a CE5 event is initiated by humans. Participants actively attempt to establish contact with extraterrestrial beings rather than passively observing phenomena.

  2. Consciousness-Based Techniques:

    • Participants use specific techniques that involve meditation, coherent thought sequencing (CTS), and remote viewing. These techniques are believed to align human consciousness with the consciousness of extraterrestrial beings.

  3. Group Effort:

    • CE5 events are typically conducted by groups of individuals who come together with the shared intention of making contact. Group coherence and collective intention are considered important for successful contact.