The Akashic Field - Does it exist?

Written on 08/05/2024
"An Ancient New Way!!"

In the past 5,000 years, countless spiritual masters claimed to have perceived a field or medium that connects all things. The Hindu seers claimed to perceive the Akasha through spiritual practice - a disciplined and dedicated way of life that is crucial in understanding the Akashic Field.

What does the science say?

In his book, “The Immutable Laws of the Akashic Field,Ervin Lazlo says, “Does science admit the existence of this field, and does it offer valid grounds for describing it? The new physics, in particular, quantum physics, offers an answer. The answer is yes: although we may call it by other names, the Akashic Field exists.  It is a universal information and memory field – and the universe appears obsessed with it.”

Edgar Cayce, America's Sleeping Prophet, claims to have accessed the Akashic Records. In Cayce's era, accessing the Akashic Records required dropping into a trance-like state. Due to a shift in energy, in our era, most people can access the Akashic Records with basic meditative practice and simple training.