Automatic writing is a fun way to try to connect with your intuition. The basic idea is to ground yourself, quiet your mind, and then let the words flow without trying to anticipate or make sense of them. You can use a journal or a computer, whichever you prefer. Some people like to light a candle to set the ambiance. Setting a timer may help free your mind; you know you’re done when the timer goes off instead of trying to discern when you’ve gotten an answer.
Here's one way to try it:
- Get some paper or a journal and two different colored pens.
- Find a place where you won’t be disturbed or distracted. Set it up however you like, candles, pillows, or keep it simple. Whatever works for you.
- Set your intention for the session. Do you have a specific question? Or just want some guidance for the day or week?
- Take a few minutes to close your eyes, take some deep breaths, and quiet your mind.
- When you’re ready, use one pen to represent yourself and ask your question.
- Breathe.
- Then use the second color pen to represent your soul/intuition/higher self and start writing. Try not to think too much; just let the words flow.
Don’t worry if you don’t understand what you wrote. You might not get an answer right away but it may come intuitively later on. The more you practice, the easier it will get.