Are you judgmental?
How NOT to be judgmental! on 09/07/2024

Are you judgmental?

To cultivate a non-judgmental attitude, consider the following strategies derived from various sources:

H How NOT to be judgmental!
Are you annoying?
The opposite of annoying is... on 09/06/2024

Are you annoying?


T The opposite of annoying is...
Are you a "hard head?"
Neuroplasticity... A growing and flowing mind! on 09/01/2024

Are you a "hard head?"

Neuroplasticity refers to the brain's remarkable ability to change, adapt, and reorganize itself throughout a person's lifetime. This process involves structural and functional changes in the brain in response to new experiences, learning, and environmental influences.

N Neuroplasticity... A growing and flowing mind!
Kaizen Living
Roger Morimoto on 08/30/2024

Kaizen Living

Kaizen Living is about taking small incremental steps, one at a time, step by step, to get to a place of healthy and happy living. Here are some suggestions for those small steps... Remember! Small steps:

Roger Morimoto Roger Morimoto
The Root of the Matter - A Thought About Ozempic
By "" on 08/03/2024

The Root of the Matter - A Thought About Ozempic

"The Ozempic craze is booming. The wildly popular medication is now being used for a quick fix weight loss solution... but at what cost to your hormones?

B By ""
"Overcoming Alzheimer's"
"Worth Repeating..." on 07/23/2024

"Overcoming Alzheimer's"

"What benefits the body also benefits the brain."

" "Worth Repeating..."
Meditation is About Direct Knowing
Meggan Watterson on 07/10/2024

Meditation is About Direct Knowing

Meditation for me has never been about becoming more spiritual. For me, it’s about being able to just be present. In a world of incessant distractions, enticing us into a future we imagine will somehow be “better,” or a past we’re convinced we’d be happier to return to, it’s an act of love for ourselves to harness our attention in the one place where change can actually happen: now.

M Meggan Watterson
Breath and Breathing
A Thought to Consider on 07/09/2024

Breath and Breathing

Picture: Practicing Alternate Nostril Breathing with a gyan mudra (thumb and forefinger)

A A Thought to Consider
on 02/26/2024


The mind-body-energy concept has been with us for a few generations now, yet, we continue to learn more. Reiki, massage, QiGong, and other energy work enhance our traditional medical treatments.

One Small, Doable Step at a Time
on 02/26/2024

One Small, Doable Step at a Time

One small, doable step at a time! This concept is at the heart of Kaizen Living as we try to improve our health and, in general, our lives. Learning one thing, one day at a time, will lead to great changes in our health and happiness.