Enneagram Type 3, 6 and 9
Type 3, 6 & 9 on 09/14/2024

Enneagram Type 3, 6 and 9

As an Enneagram Type 3, balancing your drive for success with a commitment to authenticity can lead to deeper fulfillment. Type 3s are often focused on achieving and are adept at adapting themselves to meet various expectations, which can sometimes detach them from their true selves. Recognizing that true success includes internal satisfaction and living authentically allows you to cultivate a sense of genuine self-acceptance and integrity. This approach not only enhances your personal well-being but also deepens your relationships and enriches your life's work.

T Type 3, 6 & 9
Enneagram Types 8, 2, and 5
Enneagram Types 8, 2, and 5 on 09/01/2024

Enneagram Types 8, 2, and 5

As an Enneagram Type 8, embracing compassion and channeling your natural intensity into positive action can be profoundly impactful. Type 8s are known for their strength, decisiveness, and protective nature. By using these qualities not only to assert your own position but also to advocate for those who are less able to speak up, you can expand your influence in a deeply meaningful way. This approach allows you to protect and uplift others, fulfilling your innate desire for justice while building stronger, more compassionate connections.

E Enneagram Types 8, 2, and 5
The Enneagram and Mary Magdalene
Roger Morimoto on 08/25/2024

The Enneagram and Mary Magdalene

The Gospel of Mary Magdalene describes the "7 Powers," or challenges, that individuals must confront if they are to grow spiritually. The 7 powers morphed into the "7 Deadly Sins" of the desert Christian monks of the 4th Century. (Meggan Watterson) A century later, a desert monk, John Cassian consecrates the cave where Mary Magdalene eventually settles and lives in the south of France.

Roger Morimoto Roger Morimoto
Path of Disintegration/Deterioration
Roger Morimoto on 08/13/2024

Path of Disintegration/Deterioration

The path of disintegration (also known as the path of stress or deterioration) in the Enneagram describes how each type tends to behave when under stress, moving towards the less healthy traits of a different Enneagram type. Understanding this path can help individuals recognize their stress behaviors and develop strategies to cope more effectively.

Roger Morimoto Roger Morimoto
Overcoming our E. Obsessions and Finding Balance
"Seeking Balance with our Enneagram Obsessions" on 07/31/2024

Overcoming our E. Obsessions and Finding Balance

The Enneagram helps us understand our sometimes hidden obsessions, the thing that motivates us and gets us going. Yet, our obsession could become our trap. Recognizing our obsession and contextualizing it in our lives can lead us to more balance in our lives. The snippets help us find balance as we move from our single-minded Enneagram obsession.

" "Seeking Balance with our Enneagram Obsessions"
Pooh and The Enneagram
"The Enneagram according to Winnie the Pooh" on 07/31/2024

Pooh and The Enneagram

Just for fun, today, we take a look at the characters of "Winnie the Pooh" and their Enneagram types (from "By Kendra Nicole - KendraNicole.net):

" "The Enneagram according to Winnie the Pooh"
The Missing Link: Evagrius Ponticus
Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and the Enneagram - Is there a link? on 07/31/2024

The Missing Link: Evagrius Ponticus

Image above from "Logismoi"

J Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and the Enneagram - Is there a link?
Enneagram and Wings
Image above is from the "True You Journal" Blog on 07/30/2024

Enneagram and Wings

In the Enneagram system, wings refer to the types immediately adjacent to your primary type on the Enneagram circle. These neighboring types are thought to influence and add additional characteristics to your primary type, shaping your personality in unique ways. Each person may lean more towards one wing or another or occasionally balance both.

I Image above is from the "True You Journal" Blog
The Enneagram - More Than Pop Psychology
"Taking a Deeper Look" on 07/25/2024

The Enneagram - More Than Pop Psychology

Gurdjieff taught that the Enneagram symbolized a journey for individuals to transcend certain "blocks" that maintained them in a state of automatic reaction to external stimuli, rather than living as fully conscious beings. Interestingly, for Gurdjieff, the awakening to consciousness began not with thought but through the body, using movement to disrupt entrenched neurological pathways. These practices evolved into what are now known as Gurdjieff’s Dance Movements, which continue to be practiced worldwide.

" "Taking a Deeper Look"
Enneagram and Motivation
The Enneagram and Motivation on 07/15/2024

Enneagram and Motivation

The Enneagram is a model for how energy flows in our reality. It is described by the geometric relationship between numbers 1 through 9. It describes the energetic flow as a spiral moving in both directions. The spiral galaxy is a macroscopic example, and the model of the atom is a microscopic example. In between is us, human beings. In us, the enneagram describes "how we move" in the world. In other words, what "motivates" us? What gets us to move and do the things we do?

T The Enneagram and Motivation
on 02/26/2024


The enneagram describes the movement of energy mathematically and geometrically. In the human being, it describes what gets us to literally “move.” In other words, “motivation.”