Benebell Wen
Benebell Wen on 09/01/2024

Benebell Wen

When ones stumbles upon brilliance and an openness to share, you feel the need to share. (Thank you Lisa T. for this recommendation.) This is how I felt when I came upon the website, Youtube videos, and blog of Benebell Wen as I was researching tarot and the I Ching.

B Benebell Wen
Edgar Cayce and Life Beyond Earth
Our lives on other celestial planets... on 09/18/2024

Edgar Cayce and Life Beyond Earth

Edgar Cayce, often referred to as the "Sleeping Prophet," provided many readings that touched on the existence and nature of life beyond Earth. According to Cayce, other planets within our solar system do host life, but not in the form typically understood by humans. His readings suggested that life exists in different forms that may be beyond our current understanding and perception, possibly existing in different dimensions or states of matter that are not necessarily physical as we know it.

O Our lives on other celestial planets...
Science, E.T.s and Spirit...
Garry Nolan and Tyler Henry on 09/17/2024

Science, E.T.s and Spirit...

Here is a serious but brief discussion by Garry Nolan and Tyler Henry regarding the relationship between Spiritual Entitites and E.T.s - ie. - nonhuman entitites. It is only two minutes long. Take a peek:

G Garry Nolan and Tyler Henry
"Day 2" - Dr. Garry Nolan
Dr. Garry Nolan speculates about when we encounter ETs on 09/17/2024

"Day 2" - Dr. Garry Nolan

In this video, Dr. Garry Nolan discusses the potential aftermath known as "Day 2"—the day following the official disclosure of extraterrestrial life and our interactions with it. He explores the common belief that such an announcement could trigger widespread panic or chaos. Tune in to hear Dr. Nolan's perspective on what might actually unfold. It might surprise you!

D Dr. Garry Nolan speculates about when we encounter ETs
Did these writings predict these days?
Transformational Times!?! on 09/01/2024

Did these writings predict these days?

These sources—Nostradamus, The Book of Revelation, and the Mayan calendar—have long been interpreted as predicting major world events or cataclysms. Nostradamus’ quatrains, the apocalyptic visions of Revelation, and the cycles of the Mayan calendar have sparked much debate and speculation about their meanings and their relevance to current times.

T Transformational Times!?!
Big Changes Ahead!
"Pluto enters Aquarius!" on 08/19/2024

Big Changes Ahead!

Image is from Jessica Davidson

" "Pluto enters Aquarius!"
Young Boy Remembers His Past Life!
From "The Ghost Within My Child" by LMN on 08/15/2024

Young Boy Remembers His Past Life!

In the West, the idea of reincarnation was so "out there" it was rarely considered when young children seemed to recollect a previous life experience. Nowadays, these stories are being researched in a clinical manner by research and educational institutions such as:

F From "The Ghost Within My Child" by LMN
U.S. Astronaut speaks out on UFOs
From the "Disclosure Files" of Dr. Steven Greer on 08/06/2024

U.S. Astronaut speaks out on UFOs

Gordon Cooper was known for his interest in UFOs. He reported witnessing a UFO while flying over West Germany in 1951, and later, during his tenure at NASA, he reported another sighting, this time at Edwards Air Force Base in 1957. According to Cooper, he saw a 'saucer-like' aircraft land on a dry lake bed, which was then photographed by his crew. He claimed these photographs were forwarded to Washington and were not returned.

F From the "Disclosure Files" of Dr. Steven Greer
Beyond "Provincialism"
Roger Morimoto on 08/06/2024

Beyond "Provincialism"

The concept of past lives offers a broad, transformative perspective on human existence, emphasizing the continuity of the soul's journey across multiple lifetimes. This belief can foster a sense of universal connection and shared destiny, reducing prejudices and promoting empathy by highlighting the diverse roles and circumstances each soul may have experienced. It encourages ethical behavior through the idea of karma, where actions have long-term consequences on the soul’s evolution. Additionally, reflecting on past lives can deepen self-awareness and appreciation for various cultures and histories, considering one might have been part of them. This broader viewpoint can diminish the fear of death, seeing it as a transition rather than an end, and promote a more integrated, holistic view of life. Overall, the idea of past lives can significantly shift personal and societal attitudes, leading to greater inclusivity and understanding.

Roger Morimoto Roger Morimoto
Dreams: Where Science and Spirit Meet
Roger Morimoto on 08/06/2024

Dreams: Where Science and Spirit Meet

It's a fascinating fact that many scientific breakthroughs have been inspired by dreams or dream-like states. What's even more surprising is that some scientists, who later benefit from these breakthroughs, often dismiss the spiritual nature of their origins.

Roger Morimoto Roger Morimoto
First-Hand Experience
Roger Morimoto on 08/06/2024

First-Hand Experience

For decades, individuals who witnessed UFOs/UAPs/ETs were labeled as crazy or at least unstable. Yet, in recent years, the U.S. government has come forth with the creation of governmental agencies to understand the nature of UFOs/UAPs/ETs while indirectly acknowledging they have covered up previous such reports and intentionally created disinformation to silence such reports. The damage done to witnesses over decades must be unfathomable.

Roger Morimoto Roger Morimoto
The Last Time Pluto Entered Aquarius
"Looking back suggests dramatic times ahead..." on 07/31/2024

The Last Time Pluto Entered Aquarius

During Pluto’s transit through Aquarius from 1778 to 1798, the world witnessed some of the most profound transformations in modern history, notably revolutions that reshaped the political and social landscapes of nations and introduced new ideologies about governance, freedom, and human rights. Here's a more detailed look at the influence of this transit during that time:

" "Looking back suggests dramatic times ahead..."
Two Most Important Days of One's Life
Rebirth - Discovering One's Purpose on 07/27/2024

Two Most Important Days of One's Life

The two most significant days in a person's life are the day they are born and the day they uncover the true purpose of their existence. The birthday marks the beginning of one's journey in the world, a significant event that signifies the start of personal history and potential. The day one discovers their purpose, however, transforms their existence, giving direction and meaning to all their actions and decisions. It's a profound realization that aligns their ambitions, shapes their choices, and influences how they contribute to the world, making it as pivotal as the day of their birth.

R Rebirth - Discovering One's Purpose
Project Blue Book and Other UAP programs were REAL!
The Truth is Coming Out... on 07/20/2024

Project Blue Book and Other UAP programs were REAL!

Did you know that the U.S. government has a long history of investigating unidentified flying objects (UFOs), now more commonly referred to as unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs)? Here's a brief overview of some of the most significant projects:

T The Truth is Coming Out...
Keep Going!
The Akashic Records! on 07/17/2024

Keep Going!

Today's "Daily Pondering" comes from the "Record Keepers of the Akashic Records" channeled by Jeni Holla, The Akashic Nomad. To learn more about the Akashic Records, Record Keepers, and/or Jeni Holla, click here:

T The Akashic Records!
All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO)
"The Truth is Beginning to Come Out!" on 07/16/2024

All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO)

Did you know the U.S. government has an official department dedicated to addressing UFOs/UAPs? After many years, the government is openly addressing claims that it misled the public, ridiculed witnesses, and obscured the truth about UFOs/UAPs. Established in 2022, the "All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO)" evolved from a task force initiated in 2021.

" "The Truth is Beginning to Come Out!"
A psychic, a immunologist and an alien walk into a bar...
The Disclosure Team with Vinnie Adams on 07/09/2024

A psychic, a immunologist and an alien walk into a bar...

We live in times where a "medium/psychic" and a world-renowned neurologist can meet on a YouTube interview to discuss topics of the neuroscience of paranormal perception, Nonhuman intelligence, UFOs, and much more. Check out this interview -

T The Disclosure Team with Vinnie Adams
A Paradigm Shift
Something to Contemplate on 07/08/2024

A Paradigm Shift

A Paradigm Shift

S Something to Contemplate
Psychic Readings
Something to Ponder on 07/03/2024

Psychic Readings

Psychic readings create a connection to spirits, angels, guides, and energies beyond our physical realm, offering impartial spiritual guidance centered on your well-being. By providing insights into your life, they may help you view your experiences from a fresh perspective, encouraging spiritual growth.

S Something to Ponder
A Glass of Water...
Something to Ponder on 07/02/2024

A Glass of Water...

The portion of the universe that humans have explored using telescopes, satellites, and space probes—what we refer to as the known universe—is astonishingly small when compared to the vastness of the entire cosmos. To put this into perspective, imagine a single cup of water drawn from the ocean. This small cup represents all that we have observed and studied. The entire ocean, with its immense depth and expanse, symbolizes the full extent of the universe, much of which remains beyond our reach and understanding.

S Something to Ponder
Are We Really Alone in This Universe?
on 02/26/2024

Are We Really Alone in This Universe?

The formation of the “All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office” (AARO) by the U.S. government and recent efforts in the last decade by Congress to undercover what the government truly knows about UFOs/UAPs indicate the government has been less than truthful and covering up information about UFOs. We are in a time of slow disclosure. We need to take a second look at many victims of this coverup and their stories as we ask ourselves, “Are we really alone in this universe?”