Keep Going!

Written on 02/05/2025
The Akashic Records!

Today's "Daily Pondering" comes from the "Record Keepers of the Akashic Records" channeled by Jeni Holla, The Akashic Nomad. To learn more about the Akashic Records, Record Keepers, and/or Jeni Holla, click here:

Keep Going.

 Trying isn't the same as going. When you try —  There is a particular set of activities that happen in your brain that translates into actions in your physical field.

 Trying carries an energy of speculation—  One that continues to anchor in the experience of incompleteness and not enoughness.

 Reflect on all areas of your life and notice where these energies and alignments may be showing up.

 Love is the heartbeat of the world. The piece of you that connects you to your dreams, missions, and goals —  As well as connect you to the world around you —  Seen and unseen.

 You have a soul journey, a mission that has “landed”  In your awareness and that you can feel at different levels of your being-ness.

 Continue to be in the BEING-NESS  Of your experience.

 Keep going. Keep being. Keep showing up with an open heart.

 We love you,

The Record Keepers