Dreams: Where Science and Spirit Meet

Written on 08/06/2024
Roger Morimoto

It's a fascinating fact that many scientific breakthroughs have been inspired by dreams or dream-like states.  What's even more surprising is that some scientists, who later benefit from these breakthroughs, often dismiss the spiritual nature of their origins.  

The line between science and the spiritual realm is not as rigid as we might think.  Here are some examples of transformative breakthroughs that have been inspired by dreams: 

  • Dmitri Mendeleev:

    • Mendeleev, the Russian chemist who created the Periodic Table of Elements, famously claimed to have envisioned the complete arrangement of the elements in a dream. After struggling with the correct arrangement, he purportedly saw the complete table in a dream and wrote it down upon waking.
  • Niels Bohr:

    • The structure of the atom was reportedly revealed to Bohr in a dream. In his dream, Bohr saw the nucleus of the atom with electrons spinning around it, much like planets revolving around the sun, which inspired his revolutionary model of the atom.
  • Otto Loewi:

    • In 1921, Otto Loewi dreamed of an experiment that would prove once and for all that nerve impulses are chemically transmitted. When he woke up, he scribbled the experiment down, and later, it led to the discovery of the first neurotransmitter. This work won him the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1936.
  • Albert Einstein:

    • Einstein is said to have conceived the principles of relativity by imagining himself chasing a beam of light while he was in a dream-like state. This conceptual leap was fundamental in developing his groundbreaking theory.
  • Frederick Banting:

    • The idea that led to the discovery of insulin came to Banting in a dream. In his dream, he saw a way to isolate the insulin hormone, which was crucial in treating diabetes.
  • August Kekulé:

    • Kekulé discovered the benzene molecule's ring structure after dreaming of a snake biting its own tail (a common symbol of eternity known as an ouroboros). This vision helped him understand the molecular structure as a closed loop, a significant breakthrough in organic chemistry.