Benebell Wen
Benebell Wen on 09/01/2024

Benebell Wen

When ones stumbles upon brilliance and an openness to share, you feel the need to share. (Thank you Lisa T. for this recommendation.) This is how I felt when I came upon the website, Youtube videos, and blog of Benebell Wen as I was researching tarot and the I Ching.

B Benebell Wen
Science, E.T.s and Spirit...
Garry Nolan and Tyler Henry on 09/17/2024

Science, E.T.s and Spirit...

Here is a serious but brief discussion by Garry Nolan and Tyler Henry regarding the relationship between Spiritual Entitites and E.T.s - ie. - nonhuman entitites. It is only two minutes long. Take a peek:

G Garry Nolan and Tyler Henry
Are you a "hard head?"
Neuroplasticity... A growing and flowing mind! on 09/01/2024

Are you a "hard head?"

Neuroplasticity refers to the brain's remarkable ability to change, adapt, and reorganize itself throughout a person's lifetime. This process involves structural and functional changes in the brain in response to new experiences, learning, and environmental influences.

N Neuroplasticity... A growing and flowing mind!
Dreams: Where Science and Spirit Meet
Roger Morimoto on 08/06/2024

Dreams: Where Science and Spirit Meet

It's a fascinating fact that many scientific breakthroughs have been inspired by dreams or dream-like states. What's even more surprising is that some scientists, who later benefit from these breakthroughs, often dismiss the spiritual nature of their origins.

Roger Morimoto Roger Morimoto
First-Hand Experience
Roger Morimoto on 08/06/2024

First-Hand Experience

For decades, individuals who witnessed UFOs/UAPs/ETs were labeled as crazy or at least unstable. Yet, in recent years, the U.S. government has come forth with the creation of governmental agencies to understand the nature of UFOs/UAPs/ETs while indirectly acknowledging they have covered up previous such reports and intentionally created disinformation to silence such reports. The damage done to witnesses over decades must be unfathomable.

Roger Morimoto Roger Morimoto
The Akashic Field - Does it exist?
"An Ancient New Way!!" on 08/05/2024

The Akashic Field - Does it exist?

In the past 5,000 years, countless spiritual masters claimed to have perceived a field or medium that connects all things. The Hindu seers claimed to perceive the Akasha through spiritual practice - a disciplined and dedicated way of life that is crucial in understanding the Akashic Field.

" "An Ancient New Way!!"
All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO)
"The Truth is Beginning to Come Out!" on 07/16/2024

All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO)

Did you know the U.S. government has an official department dedicated to addressing UFOs/UAPs? After many years, the government is openly addressing claims that it misled the public, ridiculed witnesses, and obscured the truth about UFOs/UAPs. Established in 2022, the "All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO)" evolved from a task force initiated in 2021.

" "The Truth is Beginning to Come Out!"
A psychic, a immunologist and an alien walk into a bar...
The Disclosure Team with Vinnie Adams on 07/09/2024

A psychic, a immunologist and an alien walk into a bar...

We live in times where a "medium/psychic" and a world-renowned neurologist can meet on a YouTube interview to discuss topics of the neuroscience of paranormal perception, Nonhuman intelligence, UFOs, and much more. Check out this interview -

T The Disclosure Team with Vinnie Adams
A Paradigm Shift
Something to Contemplate on 07/08/2024

A Paradigm Shift

A Paradigm Shift

S Something to Contemplate
A Glass of Water...
Something to Ponder on 07/02/2024

A Glass of Water...

The portion of the universe that humans have explored using telescopes, satellites, and space probes—what we refer to as the known universe—is astonishingly small when compared to the vastness of the entire cosmos. To put this into perspective, imagine a single cup of water drawn from the ocean. This small cup represents all that we have observed and studied. The entire ocean, with its immense depth and expanse, symbolizes the full extent of the universe, much of which remains beyond our reach and understanding.

S Something to Ponder
The Nature of Reality
on 02/26/2024

The Nature of Reality

The variety of String Theories regarding the nature of reality point to a multidimensional reality, or as many call it, a multiverse. The growth of individuals utilizing psychic phenomena indicates an openness at the grassroots level in our society. Let us explore these realms and the meaning they bring to us personally and collectively.

Everything is Energy!
on 02/26/2024

Everything is Energy!

Everything is energy! This is the paradigm of understanding the nature of our reality in our day. The physical world is only an illusion. Quantum Physics, String Theories, and recognition of dark matter and dark energy confirm this. Yet, we often fail to recognize that this paradigm shift puts us closer to the concepts and ideas of the ancients. The ideas of people like Pythagoras make more sense to us now than it has in two millenniums.