First-Hand Experience

Written on 08/06/2024
Roger Morimoto

For decades, individuals who witnessed UFOs/UAPs/ETs were labeled as crazy or at least unstable. Yet, in recent years, the U.S. government has come forth with the creation of governmental agencies to understand the nature of UFOs/UAPs/ETs while indirectly acknowledging they have covered up previous such reports and intentionally created disinformation to silence such reports.  The damage done to witnesses over decades must be unfathomable. 

With this slight opening from the US government, we are slowly beginning to emerge from decades of darkness.  But more needs to be done. People need to heal, and minds need to be opened.  

This phenomenon is a part of the transformational energy that will reshape how we think and live in the decades ahead. 


The photo above (and below) was taken by a friend who sent it to me to show the venue of the Greer CE5 event. He did not notice the glow in the photo. I noticed it and zoomed in... then sent it back to my friend. "Hey, did you see this..."