The Rambling Locksmith by Lisa Tsuchiya
LT on 09/01/2024

The Rambling Locksmith by Lisa Tsuchiya

Lisa Tsuchiya offered Tarot readings at our recent "Gathering of Community" on August 24th in Los Altos, California. That gathering marked the first time I met Lisa. After the event, she shared her blog about tarot with me. I was deeply impressed by the thoroughness of her approach to tarot.

Benebell Wen
Benebell Wen on 09/01/2024

Benebell Wen

When ones stumbles upon brilliance and an openness to share, you feel the need to share. (Thank you Lisa T. for this recommendation.) This is how I felt when I came upon the website, Youtube videos, and blog of Benebell Wen as I was researching tarot and the I Ching.

B Benebell Wen
Edgar Cayce and Life Beyond Earth
Our lives on other celestial planets... on 09/18/2024

Edgar Cayce and Life Beyond Earth

Edgar Cayce, often referred to as the "Sleeping Prophet," provided many readings that touched on the existence and nature of life beyond Earth. According to Cayce, other planets within our solar system do host life, but not in the form typically understood by humans. His readings suggested that life exists in different forms that may be beyond our current understanding and perception, possibly existing in different dimensions or states of matter that are not necessarily physical as we know it.

O Our lives on other celestial planets...
Did these writings predict these days?
Transformational Times!?! on 09/01/2024

Did these writings predict these days?

These sources—Nostradamus, The Book of Revelation, and the Mayan calendar—have long been interpreted as predicting major world events or cataclysms. Nostradamus’ quatrains, the apocalyptic visions of Revelation, and the cycles of the Mayan calendar have sparked much debate and speculation about their meanings and their relevance to current times.

T Transformational Times!?!
The Enneagram and Mary Magdalene
Roger Morimoto on 08/25/2024

The Enneagram and Mary Magdalene

The Gospel of Mary Magdalene describes the "7 Powers," or challenges, that individuals must confront if they are to grow spiritually. The 7 powers morphed into the "7 Deadly Sins" of the desert Christian monks of the 4th Century. (Meggan Watterson) A century later, a desert monk, John Cassian consecrates the cave where Mary Magdalene eventually settles and lives in the south of France.

Roger Morimoto Roger Morimoto
The Church has gotten it wrong from the beginning... The radical teachings of Yeshua!
Something to Ponder! on 08/21/2024

The Church has gotten it wrong from the beginning... The radical teachings of Yeshua!

Today (and for the next few days), we have excerpts from Alex Ferrari's "The Next Level Podcast" with guest Christina Lopes, a Life Coach, spiritual teacher, and former clinician whose life work is to help you open your heart, heal your past, and live with purpose. Her own healing journey gave her insight into the intended teachings of Yeshua (Jesus) and Mary Magdalene; and how authoritarian power corrupted their message.

S Something to Ponder!
Big Changes Ahead!
"Pluto enters Aquarius!" on 08/19/2024

Big Changes Ahead!

Image is from Jessica Davidson

" "Pluto enters Aquarius!"
Many Christianities...
Meggan Watterson - "Mary Magdalene Revealed: The First Apostle, Her Feminist Gospel & The Christianity We Haven't Tried Yet" on 08/11/2024

Many Christianities...

The process of compiling the current version of the bible, the one you would find, say, in the bedside table of a hotel room, was guided by the need for a unified version of Christianity. In the wake of Christ, there were many “Christianities,” there were many communities with varying ideas about what or who had just walked the earth.

M Meggan Watterson - "Mary Magdalene Revealed: The First Apostle, Her Feminist Gospel & The Christianity We Haven't Tried Yet"
"Soul Language"
"Inspired by Jennifer Urezzio, Founder and Author of Soul Language" on 08/08/2024

"Soul Language"

Soul Language is a spiritual concept and practice that aims to help people connect with their inner selves and understand their life purpose. Here are the key aspects of Soul Language:

" "Inspired by Jennifer Urezzio, Founder and Author of Soul Language"
Beyond "Provincialism"
Roger Morimoto on 08/06/2024

Beyond "Provincialism"

The concept of past lives offers a broad, transformative perspective on human existence, emphasizing the continuity of the soul's journey across multiple lifetimes. This belief can foster a sense of universal connection and shared destiny, reducing prejudices and promoting empathy by highlighting the diverse roles and circumstances each soul may have experienced. It encourages ethical behavior through the idea of karma, where actions have long-term consequences on the soul’s evolution. Additionally, reflecting on past lives can deepen self-awareness and appreciation for various cultures and histories, considering one might have been part of them. This broader viewpoint can diminish the fear of death, seeing it as a transition rather than an end, and promote a more integrated, holistic view of life. Overall, the idea of past lives can significantly shift personal and societal attitudes, leading to greater inclusivity and understanding.

Roger Morimoto Roger Morimoto
The role of "Sin" by Authoritarian Theologians
From "The Next Level Soul Podcast" by Alex Ferrari on 08/05/2024

The role of "Sin" by Authoritarian Theologians

Today, we have excerpts from Alex Ferrari's "The Next Level Podcast" with guest Christina Lopes, a Life Coach, spiritual teacher, and former clinician whose life work is to help you open your heart, heal your past, and live with purpose. Her own healing journey gave her insight into the intended teachings of Yeshua (Jesus) and Mary Magdalene; and how authoritarian power corrupted their message.

F From "The Next Level Soul Podcast" by Alex Ferrari
The Real Mary Magdalene
From "The Next Level Soul Podcast" by Alex Ferrari on 08/05/2024

The Real Mary Magdalene

Today, we have excerpts from Alex Ferrari's "The Next Level Podcast" with guest Christina Lopes, a Life Coach, spiritual teacher, and former clinician whose life work is to help you open your heart, heal your past, and live with purpose. Her own healing journey gave her insight into the intended teachings of Yeshua (Jesus) and Mary Magdalene; and how authoritarian power corrupted their message.

F From "The Next Level Soul Podcast" by Alex Ferrari
From "The Next Soul Level Podcast" by Alex Ferrari on 08/05/2024


Today, we have excerpts from Alex Ferrari's "The Next Level Podcast" with guest Christina Lopes, a Life Coach, spiritual teacher, and former clinician whose life work is to help you open your heart, heal your past, and live with purpose. Her own healing journey gave her insight into the intended teachings of Yeshua (Jesus) and Mary Magdalene; and how authoritarian power corrupted their message.

F From "The Next Soul Level Podcast" by Alex Ferrari
The Akashic Field - Does it exist?
"An Ancient New Way!!" on 08/05/2024

The Akashic Field - Does it exist?

In the past 5,000 years, countless spiritual masters claimed to have perceived a field or medium that connects all things. The Hindu seers claimed to perceive the Akasha through spiritual practice - a disciplined and dedicated way of life that is crucial in understanding the Akashic Field.

" "An Ancient New Way!!"
The Last Time Pluto Entered Aquarius
"Looking back suggests dramatic times ahead..." on 07/31/2024

The Last Time Pluto Entered Aquarius

During Pluto’s transit through Aquarius from 1778 to 1798, the world witnessed some of the most profound transformations in modern history, notably revolutions that reshaped the political and social landscapes of nations and introduced new ideologies about governance, freedom, and human rights. Here's a more detailed look at the influence of this transit during that time:

" "Looking back suggests dramatic times ahead..."
The Missing Link: Evagrius Ponticus
Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and the Enneagram - Is there a link? on 07/31/2024

The Missing Link: Evagrius Ponticus

Image above from "Logismoi"

J Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and the Enneagram - Is there a link?
The Enneagram - More Than Pop Psychology
"Taking a Deeper Look" on 07/25/2024

The Enneagram - More Than Pop Psychology

Gurdjieff taught that the Enneagram symbolized a journey for individuals to transcend certain "blocks" that maintained them in a state of automatic reaction to external stimuli, rather than living as fully conscious beings. Interestingly, for Gurdjieff, the awakening to consciousness began not with thought but through the body, using movement to disrupt entrenched neurological pathways. These practices evolved into what are now known as Gurdjieff’s Dance Movements, which continue to be practiced worldwide.

" "Taking a Deeper Look"
Jesus's Astrological Birth Chart
"The Natal Chart of Jesus" on 07/22/2024

Jesus's Astrological Birth Chart

Most people know December 25th is NOT the actual birth date of Jesus because the Church adopted it in the 4th century as Emporer Constantine gathered all the bishops together to try to bring unity with Christians among themselves and with the Roman Pagan religions that honored the winter solstice.

" "The Natal Chart of Jesus"
"The Past Lives of Jesus"
"Blending the Metaphysics of Jesus and Eastern Spirituality" on 07/21/2024

"The Past Lives of Jesus"

Reincarnation... Did you know that in many writings in the Bible, the author and readers assume reincarnation?

" "Blending the Metaphysics of Jesus and Eastern Spirituality"
Game of Hope, Lenormand Cards and Napolean
Out of the Shadows of the Church on 07/18/2024

Game of Hope, Lenormand Cards and Napolean

The Enlightenment was a time when esoterica and mysticism flourished alongside reason and science, reflecting the era’s rich and multifaceted approach to knowledge and understanding.

O Out of the Shadows of the Church
Keep Going!
The Akashic Records! on 07/17/2024

Keep Going!

Today's "Daily Pondering" comes from the "Record Keepers of the Akashic Records" channeled by Jeni Holla, The Akashic Nomad. To learn more about the Akashic Records, Record Keepers, and/or Jeni Holla, click here:

T The Akashic Records!
Enneagram and Motivation
The Enneagram and Motivation on 07/15/2024

Enneagram and Motivation

The Enneagram is a model for how energy flows in our reality. It is described by the geometric relationship between numbers 1 through 9. It describes the energetic flow as a spiral moving in both directions. The spiral galaxy is a macroscopic example, and the model of the atom is a microscopic example. In between is us, human beings. In us, the enneagram describes "how we move" in the world. In other words, what "motivates" us? What gets us to move and do the things we do?

T The Enneagram and Motivation