Meditation is About Direct Knowing

Written on 01/22/2025
Meggan Watterson

Meditation for me has never been about becoming more spiritual. For me, it’s about being able to just be present. In a world of incessant distractions, enticing us into a future we imagine will somehow be “better,” or a past we’re convinced we’d be happier to return to, it’s an act of love for ourselves to harness our attention in the one place where change can actually happen: now.

We often know the answers to the questions we’re seeking. Fear creates this static, white noise and this jittery, frenetic energy that makes us think we can: (a) find the answer outside of us, and (b) find the answer with the mind. The answer, however, in my experience, doesn’t come from a thought; it comes from a direct knowing. And we have access to that knowing, from the Greek gnosis, if we can get still and quiet enough to listen.