"Fridays For Future" on 08/16/2024


Fredric Jameson is attributed to saying, “It is easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism.” Yet, a system based on year-on-year growth is unsustainable – you can’t sustain infinite growth on a finite planet. Is there an economic system that could substitute for capitalism that would allow societies to live within the carrying capacity of our one-and-only planet? One such alternative is called degrowth. Degrowth is an economic system prioritizing human and planetary well-being over GDP growth. Some might scoff and consider this a utopian vision. Still, this alternative is being discussed in decidedly non-tree-hugging circles such as the Harvard Business Review, which recently published an article entitled In Defense of Degrowth https://hbr.org/2024/06/in-defense-of-degrowth As elites come to grips with the fact that our current trajectory leads to societal collapse, even the most entrenched are beginning…

" "Fridays For Future"
"People are Animals, Too!"
"Friday's For Future" on 08/09/2024

"People are Animals, Too!"

While some believe that homo sapiens are a distinct and special form of life above all other forms, that belief is only a human-contrived notion. We come from all other life. We are intimately connected to all other life. We cannot survive without all other life. We are just another species in a glorious dance of life. Can we humble ourselves to realize this interconnectedness? Can we appreciate our dependence on all other life? Can we learn to treat all other life with the same love that we give to our own children and pets? Once we do that, we may pause before continuing the mass ecological damage we are currently perpetrating on our greater genetic family’s cousins, aunts, and uncles on this planet we call home.

" "Friday's For Future"
"Energy - Use and Overuse"
"Fridays For Future" on 08/02/2024

"Energy - Use and Overuse"

All life’s species exploit energy in the environment to reproduce, survive and thrive. In an abundance of energy, a species will grow. This happens naturally and organically. Humans have found an abundant energy source in buried fossils that we are now exploiting to reproduce and thrive. The problem with this energy source is that the more you use it, the more it harms the planet, making it uninhabitable. Can homo sapiens overcome our instincts to exploit all available, inexpensive energy knowing that doing so is causing mass extinction, imperiling even our own existence?

" "Fridays For Future"
Earth Overshoot Day - August 1st
"Fridays For Future" on 07/26/2024

Earth Overshoot Day - August 1st

On Aug 1, humanity will have consumed the resources the planet can provide in a year. During the last four months of 2024, we will be living in overshoot, living beyond the carrying capacity of our planet, and spending savings that the Earth will demand we return. The last time we lived within the planet's carrying capacity was 1970. Since then, we have consciously or unconsciously drawn down our collective savings accounts. Not only do we need to live within the means of the planet, but we must also restore what we have already damaged and diminished. Can we do that before falling into deep societal collapse?

" "Fridays For Future"
"Imagine Climate Change Solved."
The First Step - Imagination on 07/12/2024

"Imagine Climate Change Solved."

The first step towards healing and resolution is "imagining!" We must envision a positive outcome before taking the first external steps forward. This is true in many aspects of life, and it is true as we struggle with our climate crisis.

T The First Step - Imagination
Climate Action is Love!
Climate Action Now! on 07/05/2024

Climate Action is Love!

The phrase "Climate Action is an Act of Love" emphasizes that taking steps to protect and restore the environment is fundamentally about caring for our planet and each other. It underscores the idea that actions to combat climate change—such as reducing carbon emissions, conserving water, protecting biodiversity, and supporting sustainable practices—are expressions of compassion and concern for current and future generations. This perspective frames environmental stewardship as a moral and ethical obligation rooted in love for our shared home and its inhabitants, aiming to create a healthier, more sustainable world for everyone.

C Climate Action Now!