Jesus's Astrological Birth Chart

Written on 07/22/2024
"The Natal Chart of Jesus"

Most people know December 25th is NOT the actual birth date of Jesus because the Church adopted it in the 4th century as Emporer Constantine gathered all the bishops together to try to bring unity with Christians among themselves and with the Roman Pagan religions that honored the winter solstice.  

This dating of Jesus's birth back to around 4 B.C. is primarily based on details surrounding King Herod's reign, which is mentioned in the Gospel of Matthew as meeting the Magi, or wise men, who were seeking the newborn King of the Jews. Historical records suggest that Herod died in 4 B.C., which means Jesus must have been born before that year if Herod was to have met the Magi. This is further supported by various astronomical events and historical records that scholars have used to pinpoint a more accurate date.

However, a birth chart is impossible without a specific date and time. According to Edgar Cayce, known as "America's Sleeping Prophet," Jesus was born on March 19th, shortly after midnight, 4 BC. With Cayce's psychic abilities, we have a birth chart!

When an astrologer friend was given the birth chart without a name or actual date, her first impression was two words: "influential" and "preaching."  

Interestingly, the Magi, often referred to as the "wise men" or "kings" in the context of the Christian nativity story, are considered Zoroastrian astrologers from Persia. Zoroastrianism, one of the world's oldest monotheistic religions, significantly influenced other religious traditions. It was known for its priests, termed "Magi," who were experts in astrology, among other disciplines.

Of course, the Church does not want this information to be known.