I remember watching Dr. Doolittle as a kid and wishing wishing wishing for the ability to talk to the animals. I think every pet owner has felt that, especially when you can tell your animal friend is not feeling well. And how would things change if we could hear what the wildlife around us was thinking?
There are psychics who specialize in animal communication. There are a number of different companies putting out animal communication buttons; plastic buttons your pets can push to “talk” to you. (See vid below.)
Scientists are trying to use AI to facilitate communication as well. The non-profit Earth Species Project is “dedicated to using artificial intelligence to decode non-human communication.” Another non-profit, CETI, focuses on whales. Roger Payne, whose Songs of the Humpback Whale inspired the Save the Whalesmovement, says
“If CETI succeeds in its goals—to truly communicate with another animal—it would have profound implications for our relationship with nature, changing our respect for the rest of life entirely.”