Healing Arts

Creating a healing spirit by teaching somatic practices of self-care.

Strengthening Body, Mind, and Spirit

Healing Arts and Reiki programs teach somatic practices of self-care — such as Reiki, Qi Gong, massage, meditation, aroma therapy, and mindfulness techniques—to increase overall physical and spiritual well-being.


Reiki and Self Massage


Reiki, a primary component of the Healings Arts module, is loosely defined as “universal life energy”. Reiki is a gentle and safe technique sing your hands to increase and share the natural universal life force energy all around us to promote wellness, relieve pain, reduce stress, and encourage relaxation. Reiki energy feels warm and soothing, like a mother’s love creating harmony as it restores the body, mind, and spirit.  Receiving a Reiki attunement connects you with universal life energy that can be used on yourself and others - and even your pets. 



Qi Gong, Meditation, and Mindfulness

Qi Gong practice typically involves moving meditation, coordinating slow-flowing movement, deep rhythmic breathing, and a calm meditative state of mind. 



Healing Arts is led by Joy Nakamura and Ben Hashiba.


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