Path of Integration/Growth


The path of integration (sometimes called the path of growth) in the Enneagram refers to the direction in which a person can evolve or grow by adopting some of the positive aspects of a different Enneagram type. Each type has a specific direction of integration that points towards another type, suggesting a pattern of behavior or thinking that can be adopted for psychological growth and greater balance.

Here’s an overview of the paths of integration for each Enneagram type:

  1. Type 1 (The Reformer) integrates towards Type 7 (The Enthusiast): To grow, Ones can learn from Sevens to be more spontaneous and playful, easing their strictness and critical nature.

  2. Type 2 (The Helper) integrates towards Type 4 (The Individualist): Twos benefit from moving towards Four by focusing more on their own needs and identity, cultivating self-awareness and emotional depth.

  3. Type 3 (The Achiever) integrates towards Type 6 (The Loyalist): Threes grow by moving towards Six, embracing more teamwork, loyalty, and commitment to community, which balances their focus on success and efficiency.

  4. Type 4 (The Individualist) integrates towards Type 1 (The Reformer): Fours can integrate by adopting some qualities of One, such as self-discipline, objectivity, and a sense of purpose beyond their personal feelings.

  5. Type 5 (The Investigator) integrates towards Type 8 (The Challenger): Fives grow by moving towards Eight, learning to engage more directly with the world, asserting themselves, and embracing the power of decisiveness.

  6. Type 6 (The Loyalist) integrates towards Type 9 (The Peacemaker): Sixes benefit from adopting the calm and optimistic qualities of Nines, helping them to reduce anxiety and find inner stability.

  7. Type 7 (The Enthusiast) integrates towards Type 5 (The Investigator): Sevens grow by moving towards Five, learning to focus their energy, deepen their knowledge, and value solitude as well as activity.

  8. Type 8 (The Challenger) integrates towards Type 2 (The Helper): Eights benefit by adopting the caring and empathetic qualities of Twos, which softens their intensity and fosters more genuine connections with others.

  9. Type 9 (The Peacemaker) integrates towards Type 3 (The Achiever): Nines grow by adopting some qualities of Three, such as becoming more motivated, energetic, and attuned to their personal goals.

This path of integration highlights how different types can learn from each other to find a more balanced and fulfilling approach to life.